2nd Bi-Annual Cree Gathering

The 2006 Cree Gathering happened from August 9th to the 14th.Altogether approximately 125 people arrived from Shamattawa,
Big Trout Lake, Peawanuck and Sioux Lookout to attend the gathering.  Some of the events that happened were the Canadian Half-pints, Comedian Derek Starlight, $10,000 bingo, music by the Mosquitoes and the Flintstones.  Check out the photo gallery for pictures from the events.


Thank to you all that made the event possible...

If there is anyone that would like to share their Cree Gathering
pictures please bring them by the E-Centre or email to:


Fort Severn Cree Nation Gathering 2006

Washaho Cree Nation Gathering 2006 
  August 9 to 14, 2006

Contact Person: Victoria Matthews 
Phone (807) 478-2572
Email : victoriamatthews@knet.ca

Accomodation and meals wil be provided,  But not the air

Various activities...schedule wil be posted once its completed



Fish Derby Results June 17, 2006

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