Chief: Matthew Kakekaspan
Deputy Chief: Wayne Matthews
Councillor: Kenny Thomas
Councillor: Tommy Miles
Councillor: Lloyd Matthews
The Severn river broke up late Sunday night (April 30, 2007), quite a big break up at that too. Luckily this happened during the night, if it hadn't who knows what could of happened to the people that hunt at the coast.
Pictures will be uploaded into the photo gallery in the next few days.
Fort Severn Captured the B-side Championship, In Sioux Lookout November 24 to 26, 2006
It was a very exciting finish, for a team that started out a slow at the tournament, as they almost lost to Wepekeka by the score of 3 to 2, with one of the players scoring in his own net.
This tournament was an open tournament, Fort Severn had a good selection of young talent from the north, such as Summer Beaver, Sachigo, Kasabonika, Kingfisher, Lac Seul, Bearkskin, Fort Severn, and some veterans from Grassy Narrows.
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