Fish Derby Results June 17, 2006
Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 14:44
Fishing Derby Results June 17,2006 Saturday Biggest/Smallest Trout by weight
1st. Christopher Koostachin 5.58 lbs - Biggest Trout prize $ 500.00
2nd Timothy Miles 4.47 lbs - Prize $ 300.00
3rd Vernon Gray 4.16 lbs - Prize $ 200.00
4th Owen Miles 3.99 lbs - Mystery Prize (Waders, set of 12 spoon hooks and fish gloves - donated by the Washaho Store)
5th Marie Gray 3.86 lbs - $ 100.00
6th Sinclair Kakekaspan 0.31 lbs - Smallest Fish $ 50.00
The club would like to thank the First Nation, Health Center, Recreation and Washaho Store to make this derby happen.
We hope everyone had fun.