Band Council Resolution 845 November 29, 2016
Whereas; The Fort Severn people believe strong culture, and language was what provided the community with the resiliency to maintain strong connections with the land, and the ancestors, and that without language, and culture to promote resiliency, the community will lose their sense of cultural autonomy, intellectual sovereignty, and heritage.
Whereas; The Elders say culture and language are the same thing, and that if the language is lost, so too is the culture.
Whereas; The people of Fort Severn have expressed the belief that loss of language has many harmful effects on the people to whom it belonged.
I am writing to inform the public that the Fort Severn Band offices main contact number is not working.
We do apologize for the problems that this has caused.
Listed below is our other lines;
478 2515
478 2544
Chief Paul Burke
Tonight Cloudy with 30 percent chance of flurries this evening. Clearing before morning. Wind northwest 30 km/h. Low minus 30. Wind chill minus 41.
Thursday Sunny. Wind northwest 30 km/h. High minus 26. Wind chill minus 43.
Thursday night Clear. Wind northwest 30 km/h becoming light early in the evening. Temperature steady near minus 29. Wind chill minus 42.
Friday Sunny. High minus 27.
Saturday Sunny. Low minus 34. High minus 29.
Sunday Sunny. Low minus 36. High minus 31.
Monday Sunny. Low minus 31. High minus 26.
Tuesday Sunny. Low minus 32. High minus 26.
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