Good Comments of Fort Severn Website

Good Comments of the Fort Severn Website :

Thought you might be interested in some goings on in my neck of the woods. Im currently on the Montreal Lake Cree Nation, in north central Sask. Thanx to my good friend, who wishes to remain anonymous, who sent me the link to your fantastic site. Hope to get some more time in to check on updates. I teach at the High School level here, so it will be good when you get your HS pages updated. Nice work, my friends.


Doug Kilpatrick
Enjoying the website and remembering good times at Ft Severn in 1958-60.I clerked at Bay store with Leighton Smith and at Winisk with Mike Pasko.I was sorry to hear about Leighton's passing some time ago when I talked to Marjorie.Also I see Clem Pigeon in Kenora.Don't see Larry Richards anymore, he was teaching during summers at Severn. I can't believe the changes that have taken place there. I remember many of the families there the Koostachins,Miles,Stoneys,Grays,Bluecoats. Would like to hear from anyone,

Bye for now,

Doug Kilpatrick

Merle Davidson
First I want to congratulate you on a
very impressive web site.
It was great to see the changes that have taken place over the years.

I often think back with fond memories
to my time spent in Fort Severn in 1957-1958 when I was an employee of The Hudson
Bay Co.

Greetings to All

Merle Davidson

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